Filippo Benozzi

Developer, economic student and musician

Venice, Italy, CET



During these years I try to assimilate as much information and experiences as possible that will benefit me for my future career. I have been working 3 days a week for almost 3 years now at a web agency in Mestre as a Front-End developer. In this field I always keep myself very up to date by constantly trying to experiment with new frameworks (CSS and Javascript in particular) and by participating in sector conferences. The other days of the week I dedicate to ErreBi SAS, a family company that deals with knitwear from production to retail. In this environment I am taking my first steps in the entrepreneurial and management field trying to create and coordinate the organization of events such as fashion shows and photo shoots with the consequent management of digital marketing. I designed and created a purchase and sales analysis system also based on the correlation of factors external to the company.


Ca' Foscari University, Venice

2019 - 2023
Global Development and Entrepreneurship

University of Trento

2014 - 2018
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Economics.


Italian (mother tongue)
English (C1)


ProLoco of Zero Branco

2010 - 2018
I worked in the organization of events in advertising management, signage creation and computerized order management systems.

Elderly club of Zero Branco

2013 - 2016
I run courses for seniors on how to use computers and smartphones consciously.

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